Wednesday, August 10, 2005

so people get fired for these things, huh?

Well, here we go. Or, more aptly, I should say, here I go. Since everyone, including even, I think, my uncle and the ferret down the street, now has a blog, I figured it was high time I clog up a bit of the Internet as well. Why should everyone else think their opinion is so important that it deserves to be documented forever in cyber space and not me?

I'm pretty sure I'll be posting daily observations on the various ways this city (NYC), my life, your comments (who am I kidding?!) and the price of a good stiff drink is fucked up. Although that can all change if I so choose. Feel free to read, comment, laugh, ignore or otherwise hate me, I don't care either way. After all this is a pretty self-indulgent endeavor I've undertaken, isn't it?


dc said...

Can't wait to read about the highjinx you are up to in this great city. Good luck!

MKM said...

What you said about about my sailing story, right back at you. I thought your CBGB story was very well written. Reminded me to that I've been meaning to write about my surprise encounter with Colin Sears...

My blog is at