So I've lived in the same apartment for going on five years now. And in those five years I have yet to purchase an air conditioner. I often ponder this situation on days like today when tells me it's 97 degrees but that it feels like it's 102 degrees. As I sit here sweating I ask myself why I am the only person I know that does not have AC. Seriously, think about it. Next time you leave your aprtment (if you live in NYC or some other major city) look up as you walk and count how many AC units you see. It's mind boggling. And yet, I don't own one of them.
I think about buying one every summer. And yet every summer I resist. By the time it gets to this point in August it's almost like a pissing contest between me and God. I'm all like "is that all you got big guy?" And he's all like "OK, now it feels like it's 103." And then I'm like, "Crap!" And I continue to sweat.
I did buy a blender yesterday to make cold and sweet margaritas. I love alcohol.
1 comment:
Look at the bright side, you can get drunk, pass out and then the heat won't be an issue because you'll be sound asleep.
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