Friday, June 16, 2006

Back in this Bitch

Yeah, I've been on hiatus for a while on this thing. And you know what? It's been for no good reason. It's summer time, the last time I posted was in March. That's unacceptable. While this post will be short, I promise that it will be the first in a series of consistent, well thought out (for the most part) entries.

I'll even go so far as to give you a teaser. The next entry you read will be about NY "fashion" and what I could live a lifetime without ever seeing again. So look out all you ladies walking around in thrift store skirts and old cowboy boots, I'm coming to get you. And it's gonna be quick, and it'll get ugly, real ugly. So, check back soon, please.

Of course I know I'm pretty much talking to myself at this point. But anyway...

1 comment:

MKM said...

Those rubber gardening clogs with the drainage holes... I was just thinking this week that seeing women wear them on the street was far worse than any LA fashion trend, including Ugg boots at the beach in summer.